The story takes place in a small city near the sea and revolves around two sisters: one named Reilly and the other named Amber. Both sisters possess the ability to transform into whales in the ocean and humans on land. One fateful day, Amber is drawn to the enchanting sound of a violin, which emanates from a poacher's boat. The person playing the violin is Jeremy, merely an entertainer for their journey. Initially shocked by Amber's transformation, Jeremy eventually accepts her and finds himself captivated by her beauty and kindness. However, the captain of the boat is driven by greed. He uses Jeremy to tempt Amber and ultimately plans to kill her as his prey.
character design
Now here u can see some of my sketches on my character Reilly I think my concept for her is that she is more of a worrier in her family, she need not only take the responsible for herself but also her sister.compared to amber on the other hand we can see that she is more optimistic. We can assumes she often played around the beach as a human form. when I design her the image that I have in more brain is more of a happy little girl that spoil by her sister,
Here is some sketch on Jeremy, I took some reference on little mermaid the prince. I think some one like Jeremy should both have the wildness of someone on boat so on his open shirt button indicate that he is cusal and carless. But on the other hand as a musician he should also be a elegant person.
background design concept art
Here is some of my deign on the background the first one is a whale bone bridge I did some research on how it should look like, and I also mixed in some Chinese culture element into it. The light on the back is the wishing lamp. And also u can see there’s a whale that’s going under the water, this is basically my design for the under water city on how should be look like.
The next one is also some expand on the first design although it is not as detail as the first one but u can still see the city from a different angle. The next one is a ship wreck that I got some inspiration from tannic and the movie Luca.
The next one is a bird view on the city above sea, this city is presented to be totally different compare to the under water city. U can see it a total different culture. I want to persent to audience that there isn’t a certain type or style we need to restrict in one movie it can be a harmony exit between western and also eastern culture.
And this is a view of the city at night.
The last background design is a inspriation I got from Miyazaki’s flim porco rosso compare to the design before this is more rotten feel like more like a corner of a street.